The pitched roof system by Natural Building Technologies complies with the most stringent of standards – from baseline building regulations tight through to Passivhaus.
When building a roof you want the best material to look after your rafters and allow the roof to perform effectively for many years to come. There is nothing more logical to cover timber rafters than wood fibre insulation. This system utilises PAVATEX wood fibre within its design adding a number of benefits:
Thermal Insulation
Heat Protection
Noise Control
Fire Protection
Vapour Permeability
Healthy Homes
Environmentally Friendly
The standard build-up outlined above by NBT requires:
1) ISOLAIR to be applied directly on top of the rafters
2) PAVAFLEX flexible insulation to be installed between rafters
3) HECO TOPIX timber fixings fixed through the battens back to the rafters
4) PAVATAPE 75 applied around the perimeter and over any square edges
5) PAVAPRIM to prime the wood fibre before applying tapes
6) PAVATAPE 150 for the ridge
7) EAVES VENT for the eaves.
For more information regarding the NBT Pitched roof system please contact us –
Boards & Insulation
Boards & Insulation
Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) Clad
Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) Clad
Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) Clad