Suspended Timber Floor

This simple and effective system is a great solution for retrofitting existing uninsulated suspended timber floors.

ADB breathable membrane is laid like a hammock, lapping between and over the floor joists. Airtightness tape is used on overlaps and around the perimeter to connect the membrane to the walls further improving wind tightness.

A flexible insulation is then fitted between the joists sitting on the membrane. Floorboards/chipboards are installed over the joists with an optional airtightness membrane. Finally, if additional overlay insulation (Pavanatur) is required, this can be installed prior to the flooring finish.

Click here to view a case study for a project that used this system

0.44 – 0.09 W/m2.K.
Available upon request from insulation manufacturer.

  1. Timber flooring
  2. Pavanatur insulation Board – laid above floor deck
  3. Airtightness / floor deck (OSB/3/DB3.5 Membrane)

4. Full fill joist insulation –Pavaflex/Sheepwool/
5. ADB breathable membrane looped between joists