Internal Wall Insulation Dry Lined (Pavadry)

A highly effective solution that mitigates the moisture risks that are quite often associated with IWI. 

This IWI system uses Pavadry to provide active moisture control through absorption and redistribution of moisture within the wood fibre board and integral mineral layer. The system incorporates a composition board, that is dry-lined with plasterboard, providing a load bearing surface.

In some circumstances the elements of this system can be installed and made good within a day – please contact us for more details. The system provides a clean lined modern finish.

IWI dry lined


0.60 – 0.28 W/m2.K

Available upon request from insulation manufacturer.


IWI dry lined pavadry
  1. External Wall (masonry/stone) laid in lime mortar
  2. 15-80mm BAUMIT NHL THERMO Lime Levelling Plaster
    OR 10-15mm BAUMIT RK38 lime levelling plaster
  3. 5mm BAUMIT RK70 N lime bonding coat
  4. Internal wall insulation – PAVADRY

  1. Optional service void
  2. Plaster carrying board (FIBROLITH/Plasterboard) or timber boarding
  3. 6-8mm BAUMIT MC55 lime plaster base coat with embedded mesh (BAUMIT STARTEX)
  4. 3-4mm BAUMIT RK70 N lime plaster finish coat