New Product Release

Here at Unity Lime Products, we are excited to announce a new range, we have started to supply from SheepWool Insulation

Sheep Wool Insulation produces thermal and acoustic insulation products made from 100% natural sheep’s wool.  The products are used to reduce heat loss and sound transfer in a variety of applications. Customers include homeowners, builders, professionals, government bodies and specialist product manufacturers. The range contains ONLY 100% pure SheepWool and comes with full IONIC PROTECT ®

SHEEP WOOL IS AN OUTSTANDING INSULATOR ISOLENAWOLLE  achieves top insulation values by its very nature and insulation material.

CREATES A HEALTHY CLIMATE IN THE ROOM Sheep wool is able to purify the air in a room with a very short space of time, removing many odours and harmful substances, such as formaldehyde.

REGULATES HUMIDITY Sheep wool can absorb up to 33% of its own weight in moisture, without compromising its insulating effect.

SOUND INSULATION & FIRE PROTECTION Sheep wool has very good sound absorption Properties. Depending on the product, our sheep’s wool insulation achieves a fire classification of C or D according to EN 13 501-1.’

IS A SUSTAINABLE RAW MATERIAL As a natural product, sheep wool is shorn twice a year and can be returned to the environmental cycle at any time.

IONIC PROTECT®, THE NEW, INNOVATIVE WOOL PROTECTION is the most useful invention since virgin sheep wool to be used as insulation protection. Biocide-free, permanent and CUAP tested.

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