3D Insulated Pitched Roof

Roof Systems

A modern roof insulation system must do more than just protect building occupants from cold. It must create a comfortable and healthy environment in all possible combinations of external and internal conditions and control the effects of external heat, cold, noise and internal moisture generation.

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External Wall Systems

A well designed wall is much more than just a pretty façade! Our wall systems are superior to conventional systems as they address: Warmth, summertime overheating, airtightness, breathability, sustainability & carbon locking whilst not being comprised of VOC’s.

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Internal Wall Systems

Our IWI systems are sympathetic to the building fabric, managing moisture and using the natural properties of lime plaster to prevent mould and mildew. 

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Floor Systems

Insulating a floor is more important than ever to bring a building up to standard. Our systems are suitable for suspended timber, slab & are compatible with underfloor heating systems.

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