Aldi Leamington Spa - Eco Supermarket

In late 2022, Aldi opened their much anticipated and publicised ‘eco-supermarket’ in Leamington Spa. This is a project we were absolutely delighted to have been able to supply materials for.
The purpose of the project was to significantly cut carbon consumption in comparison to the ‘traditional’ supermarket model. With both the fabric of the building and the subsequent day-to day operations of the store focussed on being environmentally friendly, we were all too happy to be able to supply natural, sustainable insulation to this innovative new supermarket.
We supplied approximately 2000 Pavatherm woodfibre boards for this build, along with ABD breathable membrane as well as Pavatape and other fixings.
Pavatex woodfibre insulation provides superb thermal properties, but in addition to this, also the ability to prevent overheating during the hottest summer days due to it’s thermal mass allowing heat to be absorbed. The heat is released slowly over the course of the day, giving a more consistent temperature throughout . In addition to its fantastic thermal properties, woodfibre insulation is highly breathable, meaning moisture will be released from the fabric of the building.
Our sustainable and eco-friendly insulation obviously ties in perfectly with this project and we really hope to see this type of project happening over and over again in the future.